Many landlords may be managing their own tenancies and receiving calls from their tenants who are , through no fault of their own, experiencing difficulties paying their rent. The good news is the Government have put in place financial assistance for every renter by way of Universal Credit.
If you do have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Iain Havell – Rugby Branch Manager on 01788 820028 or email For Leamington and Warwick area please contact Julie Knowles on 01926 436111 or - we are here to help.
Here are some helpful links’ which you could pass onto your tenants.
Apply online here:
The Government have also produced this informative guide for Landlords and Tenants.
Our teams are currently working remotely and on limited numbers to please do bear with us if our response time is not as timely as it normally is.
Please stay in and please stay safe.